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MSDict Viewer v5.10

Jan 06

Here is the full version of MSDict Viewer, you can use this applicaton to open .pdb dictionary files. I will post lots of dictionary so dont worry about it. You dont need to register any dictionary file with this. You have to copy the .pdb files to E:\documents\MSDict

Msdict Viewer is an innovativedictionary reader specially designed to combine high data compressionfor memory restricted devices with a fast search algorithm, anduser-friendly interface with amazing speed. The viewer supportsmultiple dictionaries installed at a time.

MSDict Viewer Features
- Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
- Stylish user interface with several color schemes
- Hyperlinks between different related articles
- Text font remapping (dynamic changing of font sizes)
- Opportunity to add custom notes to any article in the dictionary so you can save your ideas and examples of usage
- Built-in keyboard
- Advanced search and filtering features
- Single-tap search, starting on first letter
- Wildcard filtration feature(the use of "*" replaces arbitrary number of symbols within words)
- Button allowing quick erase of the query field
- Dynamic word history list for each session

List of supported mobile phones;

N91 8GB , Nokia 3250 , Nokia 5500 , Nokia 5700 , Nokia 6110 Navigator , Nokia 6120 , Nokia 6121 , Nokia 6290 , Nokia E50 , Nokia E51 , Nokia E60 , Nokia E61 , Nokia E61i , Nokia E62 , Nokia E65 , Nokia E70 , Nokia E90 , Nokia N71 , Nokia N73 , Nokia N75 , Nokia N76 , Nokia N77 , Nokia N80 , Nokia N81 , Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N82 , Nokia N91 , Nokia N92 , Nokia N93 , Nokia N93i , Nokia N95 8GB , Nokia N95

Download MSDict Viewer v5.10 full cracked
pass : huseyin

Download MSDict PDB Dictionaries
Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary
English Pro Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of Idıoms
Concise Oxford English Dictionary

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5 Comment(s)

  1. Anonymous  

    there is a problem with this programs certificate...i cannot install it

  2. Raedi Radifan  

    u can install it with change your date phone.
    ex: 01-10-2009 --> 01-10-2006/2007/2008

    change only years

    cheers.. ;)

  3. boobialide  

    where i get the msdict viewer plzzz

  4. Anonymous  

    pls help me!
    I try to install Msdict Viewer5.0 on Nokia N73
    unfortunately i couldn't

    Even i change Date or
    if i can how i put .pdp in to what?

  5. Anonymous  

    how can i download msdict viewer v5 ? :(

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