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MSDict Concise Oxford English Dictionary

Feb 04

The Most Popular Dictionary Worldwide

The Concise Oxford English Dictionary is the most popular dictionary of its kind around the world and is noted for its clear, concise definitions as well as its comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the vocabulary of the English-speaking world. This reissue of the revised edition brings the tenth edition completely up to date by the addition of hundreds of new words and meanings taken from Oxford and apss renowned data collection program, with a special focus on fast-changing areas of the language such as new technology, e-commerce, fashion, and youth culture.

Over 240,000 Words and Phrases

* The clearest , most accurate definitions, based on the largest language research programme in the world
* Clear layout with each new section (phrases, derivatives, usage notes, etymologies, wordbuilder) on new line
* Usage notes, offering help with tricky and controversial questions
* In-text lists and tables focusing on core study subjects
* Pronunciations for words that might cause difficulty
* Origin Section tracing the history of words

The MSDict Dictionary Format
The Concise Oxford English Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

* Quick dynamic search of words while you type
* Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
* Hyperlinks between different related words
* Dynamic changing of font sizes
* Button allowing quick erase of the query field
* Support of multiple dictionaries installed at a time

Download MSDict Concise Oxford English Dictionary from Rapidshare.com

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4 Comment(s)

  1. Raedi Radifan  

    waw.. great.. thanks bro...

  2. aftershock  

    how do i install??

    its some adb format..some weird format my phone doesent recognize

  3. Anonymous  

    how can i import this software in my phone...?

  4. Anonymous  

    thanx for the file. A question,,, is this a demo file or the complete one?

    "how can i import this software in my phone...?"

    Use your phone's data cable or a usb blutooth device.

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